Data Pattern Analysis

My name is Thomas Arnold. I’ve spent the past 45 years learning and practicing a wide range of skills that span both business and science. In addition to in-depth studies in about 30 different scientific disciplines, I have many years of experience in business consulting, information services, computer science, database development, statistics, healthcare, machine learning, and more.

A Night Job and a Day Job

I have two problems right now. First, I have made several scientific discoveries that seem to be important and I have a backlog of scientific papers that I have to write. Writing scientific papers does not pay the bills, and so I do this at night. (My night job.)

I still need to earn a living, and this leads to my second problem, which is finding gainful employment. I have a number of highly developed skillsets that have value, but most employers are hiring specialists and not generalists. Therefore, I have decided to try freelance business consulting. (My day job.)

What is Data Pattern Analysis?

The concept of data pattern analysis grew out of my scientific work. I have developed scientific theories and made discoveries that seem to have great potential. However, some of the methods I used are highly original and are not typically taught in schools. These methods involve something that I call “data pattern analysis” which is a deep dive into the statistical and theoretical reasons for the observed results.

Perhaps a quick example might help.

The age crime curve was discovered 190 years ago and no one could explain it. Through data pattern analysis, I was able to uncover the underlying causes, which turned out to be a combination of statistical and developmental factors. My age crime curve model explains 99.999% of the variation in crime by age. The solution to this problem required a deep dive into areas such as cumulative distribution functions, edge selection, and human development. i.e., data pattern analysis.

Creative Problem Finding and Innovative Solution Development

I think that I have demonstrated the ability in my scientific work to analyze data and create insights. How might this be used to create value for your business? The basic premise behind data pattern analysis for business is based on the following quote from Mark Twain.

“It Ain’t What You Don’t Know That Gets You Into Trouble. It’s What You Know for Sure That Just Ain’t So.

What are the problems in your business that you don’t know about? These are the areas that I would like to explore with you in order to find innovative solutions. I can help you find the problems that you are overlooking, and then help you build innovative and more accurate models using your data that can provide a clearer insight into the causes of the patterns you see.

The models we come up with together can help you develop prescriptions for success.

Free Consultation

Please check out my work, and if you would like to see if I can help you find your problems, send an email and schedule a free consultation.